Tuesday, June 12, 2018

MAXXI’s celebration of Bruno Zevi’s 100th birthday with an exhibition on his prolific production as a historian and critic of architecture, who influenced many of the world’s best architects of his time, poses an important question: can Zevi’s ideas, today, help young people to become finer architects in the creation of a better tomorrow? The video that accompanies this blog tries to give, through Zevi’s own words, a visual answer.

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The Wright Way – An Overture

Friday, June 30, 2017
Wright in N.Y. b Rick Meghiddo

Why Wright now? What can a man born 150 years ago, tell to a young generation of architects likely to be responsible for the invention of the future? The following documentary is intended to emphasize the link between Wright ideas and the needs of tomorrow.

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From Architecture to Urban Farming

Monday, December 26, 2016
Jean Phillipe Pargade Technical and Scientific School, Paris. Photo: Sergio Grazia, Rick Meghiddo

A Brief Story of a Vision “While doing research on solutions for sustainable mixed-use urban corridors, I came to foresee the advantage of incorporating a food-growth area integrated…

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Crossing Borderlines

Friday, July 10, 2015

An accompany text to the video Crossing Borderlands, the blog illustrates some of the thinking beyond projects, migrations and actions of the Meghiddo couple. It is a story of challenges through cultures and disciplines.

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A Destination for Learning

Monday, September 24, 2012
A-Destination-For-Learning Architecture Awareness

Why is it that libraries remain an important subject today? Public libraries are a symbol of a democratic access to knowledge. The Los Angeles Central Library is a stimulant destination for learning.

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